“Blake’s / Ten” Atlanta, Georgia

Ratchet Level: Low Cover: Free Music: Pop/EDM You know the typical gay club formula. Televisions on the walls playing pop videos, colorful lights, dance floor, and outside seating. I was underwhelmed. These separate venues are located directly across the street from each other. Blake’s has two floors. I didn’t spend any time up stairs excepting entering there. I went straight downstairs and started dancing. A friend of mine gave me the history of how they have drag shows downstairs. The venue is nice and modern, both of them actually but as I have been reviewing clubs internationally for 7 years now I did not see anything fresh, new, or individuality. The crowds were mostly white males with minorities and females sprinkled in between. I was bored at Blake’s (though it was extremely packed) and went across the street to Ten. The drinks at Ten were alright. It was cute dancing to Ariana Grande then chatting with the locals outside. Overall these are both cute safe places for gays to conjure and gather, but there is nothing special going on. I would like to return on a signature night, but I guess this type of scene isn’t popular in Atlanta. Your favorite club critic Shamel Jones!