"Q Cafe" Prague, Czech Republic
Ratchet Level: Low
Music: EDM (No DJ just a playlist)
Price: Free
You can’t even spell Prague! (*Nicki Minaj voice*) But yet here I am in the Czech Republic roaming the streets of Prague. Long story short; my army career brought me to a tour in Germany where I utilized my passport to travel. (So yeah here I am.) I am staying downtown Prague at a hostel “Chili Hostel” (because you should only be using hostels in Europe, but anyways..) through my tourist attraction I saw an LGBTQ+ flag spotted less than 1 minute away. I swore I had to peep in just to give a review. (So I did) “Q Cafe” is just another stereotype cliche gay bar in downtown Prague. It’s nice to see our culture in such a highly populated area but at the same time there is nothing innovative. Small bar. Go-go music. The bartender measured the liquor when making my drinks. That is NEVER a good thing to see. Czech crowd (white people), and nothing spectacular. I felt grand being in a foreign country doing reviews because it expands my international brand, but this was nothing special. Come here to see the locals gays you see on Grindr.... and that’s about it. Small basic bar upstairs, and a cafe like area downstairs. Gay flag and multi-colored lights inside. Bam. If I had more time I would checkout more LGBTQ+ establishments in Prague, but I’m only here 2.5 days with my priority being relaxing from my army life. Maybe next time, but not this bar. Before I conclude, there is a dog living here (or a pet of the owner/employee) and it can open doors! Which is pretty interesting seeing as though I have been reviewing for so long. I haven’t seen that. Gives it a home feel (though I’m no fan of dogs for personal reasons)