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Club Space

Miami, Florida

Ratchet Level: HIGH

Music: Hip-Hop, Rap

Price: $40 (Pride Event)

I wanted to end my stay in Miami with a Sizzle event. So for the first time I decide to pay $40 for general entry into a club. The line was long and offered VIP entry, but I stuck it out. Club Space has an ATM on hand but does accept cash and cards though the card was not advertised to I paid the $6.00 fee to take out $40 which was my mistake. When entering the club the first room is very big with booths and stands in the middle where the strippers danced. There are large mirrors everywhere along the wall. I danced to some modern and old school hip-hop as the DJ was mixing it up. The club is very urban. On both sides of the room there are stairwells that lead to the next floor. That room was used mainly for vogueing. I'm not sure if it was a ball going on but they were battling. This room had a bar and booths to sit. There weren't many people there, but it was enough. After watching that for a little I ended an even bigger room. This room reminded me of Nicki MInaj - Anaconda video. It was decorated in a jungle like theme. I thought it was refreshing. This room played more of trap music. After dancing there for awhile a fight finally broke out between two males. (The club was full of about 99% males all African American). it took security awhile to get there, but boy did they hit heavy and break it up when they got there. This was my favorite room though. It was extremely packed the whole time I was there. At the bottom of both stairwells there are doors that lead outside if you want to catch your breath. They do check wrist bands if you wish to re-enter and you can not take your drink outside. I didn't get a drink during my time here. I had already pre-gamed in the car. A cool place to party is was ok. I'll need to check it out on a regular Saturday night.

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